frustrating feathersI took more pictures of this darn feather than I care to admit. Wish I had more to show for it! 25/366
My book wormI asked her to relax for a while with a book. She had a bed and a bean bag to choose from, but I found her here. 24/366
3 girls, 1 bathroom21/366 Does anyone else's bathroom look like this after 3 girls have their way with it? One day I'll look back and miss these moments,...
Welcome, Baby H!This week baby H kept me moving! What an adorable bundle of love this baby is! Look at those rolls!!!
Just my kid and a puzzleNo explanation, the title says it all! I do have 2 other kids...should probably take some pictures of them...oops! 20/366
Still Life challengesOne of the things I love about the 365 is it gets me motivated to try new things. I made an attempt at still life today. My 3 year old...
Broccoli Woes18/366 Putting broccoli in mac n cheese is my little way of feeling like I'm offering a somewhat healthy lunch. All my kids eat it, come...